
New Born

New Born

Shihtzu : Shithtzu is the national dog of Tibet. Shih Tzus are typically considered to be smart dogs and have even been to assist farmers and tradesmen in the past. However, Shih Tzus can also be stubborn at times. Shih Tzu's intelligence varies from individual to individual, but most people agree they are pretty good problem solvers.This breed is well-known for their short snout and large round eyes, as well as their ever growing coat, floppy ears, and short and stout posture.Shih Tzus are affectionate, happy, outgoing house dogs who love nothing more than to follow their people from room to room. ... They make great family pets who get along with other animals and even children, so long as kids know how to gently handle and play with a small pup.

Lifespan: 10– 12years

Breed of: Dog

Height:  Female: 9-12cm , Male: 10-18 cm

Weight: Female: 1.5-1.8kg, Male: 1.8-1.9kg

China Kennel Union : standard

Temperament:  Playful, Clever, Affectionate, Intelligent, Spunky,

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