
Brown Color

Brown Color

French Mastiff : French Mastiff originated from France. His other name is Dogue de Bordeaux, Bordeaux Mastiff, French Mastiff or Bordeaux dog is a large French mastiff breed. A typical brachycephalic mastiff breed, the Bordeaux is a very powerful dog, with a very muscular body. This muscular breed has been put to work pulling carts, transporting heavy objects, and guarding flocks.Despite its powerful appearance, the Dogue is quite gentle in demeanor. On the other hand, its intense loyalty makes the breed a highly effective guard dog. The Dogue de Bordeaux is an excellent dog for most households. They can get along quite well with kids, but make sure to be careful around small children.

lifespan: 5-8 years

Breed of: Dog

Societe Centrale Canine: standard

Height: Male: 60–67 cm, Female: 57–65 cm

Weight: Male: 54–65 kg, Female: 54–65 kg

Origin: France

Color: Brown Color

Temperament: Devoted, Even Tempered, Loyal, Vigilant, Companionable, Courageous

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