
New Born

New Born

Boston Terrier : Boston terrier is national breed of America. Boston Terriers are great family dogs. They are affectionate and friendly. The lack of aggressive tendencies is one reason Boston's make an excellent family dog.Your Boston may alert you with a bark when they see people or dogs. Color and markings are important when distinguishing this breed from the AKC standard.The Boston Terrier is a compactly built, well-proportioned dog. The muzzles is short and generally wrinkles-free, with an even or a slightly undershot bite.

lifespan: 13– 15years

Breed of: Dog

Height: Male:10–18cm, Female:9–15cm

Weight: Male:250– 300g Female: 200 –250g

Origin: America

Coat: Short, smooth and slick

Temperament:  Intelligent, Friendly, Lively

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